The ‘Tidal’ Gremlin
Have you noticed how money and water speak the same language? They've got their own little love affair going on with terms like current-sea, cash flow, and liquidity.
As we scramble with end-of-month taxes and recoup from holiday spending, the currency of our thoughts is, well, money. Lately, I've been exploring my relationship with money, shifting my perspective to see it as a tool for fostering love and creating better art. In last week's email, I alluded to the connection between love, money and creativity, and now I expand.
Concertina sketchbook, watercolour paintings this week
More money equals better art; more love equals truer art, and more creativity equals more portals into the monayyy. It's a symbiotic relationship, and any blockage in one area restricts the flow in others.
This idea challenges the romanticised notion of the starving artist. Surprisingly, the best artists I've encountered prioritise business acumen over artistic prowess. It's a well-kept secret, as they want the public to fall in love with their brand.
We don't need to play musical chairs with art, love, and money. Think of them like streams converging into a powerhouse current. The more we amp up our ability to flow money, LOVE, and creativity, the more we can channel.
AND SO, instead of focusing on the lack of money- focus on where you can love more and allow more love in. If love, money, and art are connected, the more you can flow with love, the more money will be attracted to you and flow from you.
Where are you blocked in love? My guess is if you focus on that area and unblock your reception/giving of love, then money and creativity will flow in as a by-product.
It’s been seven days, and I’m still finding you
Traces I never want to forget
Between my toes
And in my phone
You’re the universe in a grain
The ocean upon which you laid
You used to scare me
Salty and sticky
You never stayed in your place
So I made castles in your wake
Dug moats around my body
Into me and upon me
So that you can come home
Ancient soul, sunrise and gold
Fish and chips
Buttery full moon eclipse
No stones thrown
From these homes
We’ll make a glass house with you
And melt you into the truth
“Why do you always say that?”…
The Power Of Words
- Alicia Keys
“What disipline has music given you?”…
…Play pocket, don’t show off like that. Church taught me how to follow direction.
The power of PACE
- Anderson. Paak
In trust. Wild. Aching. Funny. Weird. Blissful. Frustrating Love.
With and without the tides, circles, and cycles of life.