Newsletter for the Gremlins


Newsletter for the Gremlins /

Art won’t change the world, people will, but it’s a good place to start.

Every week, I write about my artistic journey, sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly of the creative path. For the Gremlins.

Read the Posts here

“Karimah engages a broader community and breaks down elitist barriers, bringing other people’s stories to life, lifting them up and highlighting them in their own environments.”

- The Wick

" T H E   J U M M A H   D R I P "
K a r i m a h  H a s s a n

The Jummah Drip is painting series and spoken word series on the life of a Muslim millennial as told from the first person perspective. Themes include U.K. identity culture, code-switching identity, faith love and commodification.