The ‘2024’ Gremlin
Cast the vision
Reduce the importance
Let go of controlling how
Take aligned action, consistent baby steps
Thats it. No big spiel. No long writing post. There is enough of the self-transformation stuff out there. Vision. And action, with grace for the unknown in between. That’s all we've got to do.
‘Are You Crazy’
“I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring. Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming.”
- David Bowie
“You can find inspiration in everything. If you can’t, then you’re not looking properly.”
- Paul Smith
This poem is about me knocking on the door of 2024 and being excited for the coming year because I have a really good feeling about it. Time wants to tell me all the great and hard things that will happen, but he can’t break the laws of life, so I just have to trust that I am ready and that I will be more than fine. I’m frustrated; how can I be ready for what I do not know? And time tells me it’s simple - by the amount, I am willing to surrender and let go. Time tells me to trust my inner confidence. To do the next right thing time after time, and step by step, day by day, the year will be revealed.
I ran through the corridors of time,
Past skeletons in wardrobes and lovers on old lines
And suddenly, I stopped
As the clock struck nine, we locked eye-to-eye.
Hey 2024, have we been here before
Have I landed on this page and already knocked at your door?
Kind of, said time, but you’re ready for me this time
He smiled and grinned with a twinkle in the eye
A devilish knowing foreseeing a troubling test of some kind
Oh, how I’d like to tell you but cannot disturb the law of life
Just trust that you are ready and that you will be fine
For what? What am I ready for?
Oh, please tell me what this year will bring
I have such a good feeling, but it needs affirming
Trust that the seeds have been sewn and every wish has been wished
Trust there is nothing to do but tend to your gifts
But how can I be ready for something I do not know
Simple. By the amount you are willing to surrender and let go
Because though you cannot see what’s up my sleeve
Waiting for you in the Summer breeze
Nor how I’m going to trick and treat and challenge thee
You know, you know, you know, that you do not know
Where will this life take you, or how it’s going to go
There is no need to skip to the finish line
Or rush to open the door of twenty-twenty-five
Stop for a moment
Because you know this knowing inside
An inner glee that doesn’t come from pride
But a gentle satisfaction that things are going right
So happy new year
May it be sweet
Wild and a delight- Karimah
Love. Karimah