The ‘Groomed’ Gremlin
There's a powerful distinction between making something to release and making something to create. Sometimes, I create just to get it out of me, akin to scratching an itch or, less attractively, coughing up a giant, phlegmy furball. It’s a bit gross, but it’s part of the grooming process.
Why talk about furballs? Well, my dear Gremlin, you’re made of fur. You’re made of the creative stuff. It’s your Gremlin job to get into alignment.
Then there are the creations that come after we’ve gotten into alignment. The tricky part for a creator is that often, the thing that gets us into alignment is the start of our magic. But not every sketch along the way requires an audience. Sometimes, it's just a stepping stone to the thing that wants to be seen. And sometimes, you aren’t the one who gets to judge what deserves to be seen or not. The job of the creator is to make, and continuously make, to get aligned and reflect internal evolution. It takes courage to evolve out loud, and that is what the artist archetype does.
The irony is that the very thing that heals—painting, music, comedy—can become a gateway into a profession, and suddenly your safe space is infiltrated. It’s probably a good practice to keep some of your creative work private. Let that be your diary, where you build intimacy with yourself. Then, let there be another part of you that shares. Don’t force yourself to mix the two.
This balance allows you to protect the sacredness of your creative process while still sharing your art with the world. Keep creating, keep aligning, and remember that not everything needs an audience.
Some things are just for you.
Q: When asked in an interview “if it was difficult to pursue a creative field as someone of South Asian heritage?”…
A: Our cultures are imbued with richness—sensuality, vibrant colors, sounds, and scents—all of which deeply inspire me. Pursuing a creative life presents challenges for anyone, regardless of their heritage. The world is adept at placing obstacles in our paths, obstructing our unique brilliance and talents. For a long time, I internalised the belief that my heritage was a barrier to opportunities and subjected me to judgement. However, I eventually realised that clinging to this story only diverted me from the paths I truly wanted to explore…
From the Factory
I was on the move this week, so I did what I could from a little sketchbook and two tubes of paint. I enjoyed only having a tube of blue and a beige paint on me - it forced me to think differently.
“There is the city where you arrive for the first time; and there is another city which you leave never to return. Each deserves a different name; perhaps I have already spoken of Irene under other names; perhaps I have spoken only of Irene. There is still one of which you never speak.”
Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino
“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.”
Leonardo da Vinci
Lots of love.
Till Next week
Karimah X