The ‘Comedown’ Gremlin:
No - not the ‘hey Gremlin, come down from your snack cupboard’ kind of come down. More like, ‘hey Gremlin, you k hun cause your eyes have rolled to the back of your head, your fur is messed up and you look like you’ve been in the ring with Ali’ kind of come down.
Here’s the thing, I’m not talking about drugs here - unless you call the creative high and adrenaline of launching something a drug - in which case, you got me. But the visceral feeling of the low you meet when you’ve finished a project and you are EXHAUSTED.
Gremlins we’ve been there haven’t we, the dopamine and memories are slowly oozing out of your sweaty paws and you are left, in the corner of the room like a dried up raisin with nothing but self deprecating thoughts and fatigue to comfort your gremlin soul. I know, it sounds dramatic, but by naming it, I can spot the pattern and prepare for it in the future.
What I’m saying:
I spoke about the comedown with Father B in the dojo. I love this sensai so much. There’s something about a 1-on-1 call with someone you admire that releases the flood gates of what you reveal.
‘Make art not content’ Podcast:
What I’m painting:
Yes I’m exhausted, and a break is around the horizon but first... a six meter mural…
Dragon and tiger vibes with some fun colours - work in progress shots of the mural I’m about to finish.
Tottenham Football Stadium, High Road, LDN
What I’m Writing:
A 1 min read about manifesting…ish:
I remember the future when I talk into existence all that I can be.
Words have power and we when we speak we spell potential futures with our tongue.
When I cut you or myself down vs. when I raise you or myself up
has a boomerang action that we will eventually cross paths with again.
The energy of our speech comes back to us,
so why not master the word and boomerang into our destiny?
Till next time you beautiful beast,