The ‘Flow’ Gremlin
T I M E . I S . P L A Y I N G . W I T H . M E
Have you noticed that we are in December, and this year has come around so fast it’s dizzying? This week, several people from different sources spoke in passing about how time is ‘weird’ right now - as though it’s stretching out, slowing down and not making sense.
To me, time feels as though it is slipping over and under itself like tectonic plates, and when plates collide or separate volcanoes and earthquakes happen. Something that’s really been helping me to ground within situational earthquakes is not trying to fight the flow and put a reason about why things aren’t adding up.
C O L O U R . I S . M E D I C I N E
When I fight it, my mind starts to get ahead of itself - I play mental arithmetic trying to work out the best strategy for a work, relationship or living situation. I try and ‘mental my way through it’. But when I go to the canvas and get some colour out, or go to the notes in my phone and just drop into flow it allows a slither of elasticity for time to slink into that newly opened space and expand.
In short, how can we flow more? More movement, more presence in conversation, more play, more shaking, more forgiveness for the ‘plans that aren’t working’ and more slippery flow time to allow the new, better more aligned thing to come through.
Till next time you beautiful beast.