The ‘Karimah’ Gremlin:
Evolving Out Loud EP
I know. It may come across as borderline conceited to name a Gremlin after myself, but I want to share my creative efforts and ask your attention this one time.
The Evolving Out Loud EP is out now.
The five tracks that I pulled together from what started out as play became something beyond my imagination.
Some of the words are already being sampled and remixed into house tracks and playing in venues. ‘The New Moon Intentions’ track was played at a music festival last night, and the best bit… getting DMs from a stranger about how certain lyrics resonated with them.
“You’re doing both at the same time; you’re living two worlds
But you’re not lying; you’re actually being more true than you’ve ever known
That’s why things are going to get juicy because you are ready for what you have been told
From your future self and your past self
That’s why you’re rising into love
And you’re falling into love at the very same time
That’s why you’re running into your purpose
And running away from what never served us
At the very same time”
For me, this EP is also:
A warm up to other albums I am working on
A way to practice getting into the recording studio
A method of building confidence in freestyles
A lesson in learning how I channel and how I like to record
A jump off into the other things I am learning - cover art, distribution channels, music videos etc
A way to share another side of me
A personal collection of memories
A portal to tell other people what I can do and how I’d like to use my voice
An income stream
A potential avenue into working with artists I admire
Will keep it short and sweet and let you listen, please share, groove, whatever you like
Love K