The ‘Power Hungry’ Gremlin:
Sex. Money. Power. It comes down to one simple thing. Is it POWER OVER or is it POWER WITH? Let me share more.
I used to be afraid of the word power. I was afraid of power, money, arrogant men with confidence and all other disguises that I associated as weapons to make others or myself feel weak. I realised somewhere along ‘the life’ journey that I had tripped myself up by being scared of things that could be good for me.
I knew this lesson intimately because of my relationship to Islam - lots of people are scared of religion because of how it’s been manipulated and yet I knew the love and support it could bring. I knew that it had been hijacked by manipulation and there was goodness within it if you wanted to see it…Yet I didn’t translate the same thinking to power & money until much later in life.
Money, like religion, art, power, sex and social media are tools to shape energy. That’s it. A. tool. The tool can be a weapon or a shield depending on how we choose to use it. That’s all it comes down to.
In order for the Gremlins to be inspired and not crippled, we get to rewire our relationship to power and welcome it. When our creative actualising empowers us to feel more free, more generous, and more open we share who we are. This is a path that leads us to be happy for others taking up their power because we feel confident in our own unique lane of genius. This kind of power encourages the empowerment of others; it’s infinite and it is not afraid of someone else shining and being powerful.
Be careful of the kind of power that invites fear, and separation - power over another. That kind of power is born of scarcity and extraction of finite resources.
True beauty is infinite. True creativity is infinite. This is our kind of power. Power With Another. The religions, the relationships, the politicians that use power to disempower run from finite resources of fear and eventually their power will run out. But the sages, the creatives and the people who live from infinite resources of love are not afraid; they know there is enough genius and they trust in themselves and others to invent, and create systems that will share the ‘enough-ness’ with others.
That’s all.
Power to you Gremlin,
Love Karimah X