Welcome to the Gremlin Squad:
Hey gremlins, have you ever thought that the days of Instagram may not last all the way into the future? Well, I have. In fact, I have for a while now and I’m starting to take my thoughts and creations onto different platforms - like Superrare and Medium so that I don’t have to rely on one platform to hold all of my creative babies. So, this is just a little weekly update of things I’m making, people I’m meeting and the road to change.
Where I’m at:
I’m currently sat on a train from London to West Wales to do a week long ‘think tank’ style residency with The Welsh National Botanical Gardens. This gift is led and hosted by the radical creature; film director, Tina Pasotra- think lots of nature, 9 creative heads and movement. We don’t know what we are going to create yet, but that’s the whole point - to dismantle extractive models of ‘output’ and let things flow. I’ll report back with goodies.
Sleepy, hazy, post 10 hours of travel but still, we keep it Kawaii ;)
What I’m writing:
Short bites of poetry and thinking on science/art and faith like the snippet below taken from my latest article.
I can’t help but think that as we reach into the future with sophisticated tech we are simultaneously arcing back towards ancient understanding — closing the bridge between instinct and science. And so, if that is the case, what do we do and where do we go from here? And that, is where I stop myself. The future to a new earth or any kind of ‘solution’ cannot claimed, but rather enacted. Yes, we progress and we evolve, but what if the perception of evolution looks more like dancing around in a plasma cloud of potential rather than chasing towards the crosshairs of a future designed by a mind in scarcity?
What I’m painting:
I’m working on a commission with Sarabande (where I’m an artist in residence) to do a painted portrait series like the Strangers Yearbook I made last year. Only this time, I’m asking people who inspires them?
Scroll down for a cute answer from Katy Harrington.
“I'm currently 6 months pregnant. I wasn't sure about finding out the sex of our baby but my partner wanted to know, so at our scan we were pleased to hear we were having a girl. When I found out it was really transformational, she went from being an abstract being to someone I could imagine living and breathing out in the world. Now I think often about who she will be and what she will do. She inspires me to think about what small things I can do to make the world she will live in a better place.”
Till next time